Epiphany 2020
World Mission Sunday,
Exploring the Depths,
God Builds with Crooked Nails,
Freely You Received, Freely Give.
What is God Building?
Party Like It's Christmas Time,
Christmas Eve, Elijah Lovejoy,
The Birth That Keeps Birthing,
Advent 2019
Welcome to Birthing Class,
Stump Speech,
Welcome to Advent,
Joy in Prison,
Much Love for God,
If God Were a Superhero,
Why Are Christians Happy?
Chris Walk Priesthood Ordination, Bishop Steve Breedlove, 10-10-19And Jesus gave them authority...
The Comissioning,
A New Kind of Affection,
I am Inevitable,
Eat Bacon - Thank Jesus,
That's Me!
Are You Available?
Heaven Leaven Rising,
Risky Business, Chris Walk,
3 Marks of a Healthy Church,
Lead Us Not Into Temptation,
The Battle Belongs to the Lord, Elijah Lovejoy, Acts 4:23-31, July 7, 2019We get overwhelmed when we forget who the battle belongs to.
Devoted, Elijah Lovejoy,
Transformed to be Like Jesus,
Pour Out Your Spirit, John 15:9-17,
Jesus is Just Getting Started,
Everyday Holiness, Leviticus 19:1-18, Vance Tyson, 5-19-19Ruth gleaning>>Marriage>>David>>Christ. You never know where holiness will lead.
Welcome to God's Country, Revelation 4-5, Elijah Lovejoy, 5-12-19Your heart has a God-shaped hole. Heaven has a human-shaped hole.
Mambo Sawa Sawa, John 21:1-14,
What is Your Purpose? Acts 13:36-39, Bishop Nathan Gasatura, 4-28-19"There is one body" - today the body in Rwanda blessed the body in Hope Mills.
Have You Ever Wrestled with God? Genesis 32:22-32, Elijah Lovejoy,4-7-19You are God's field, God's building.
I Was Sick & You Visited Me,
A Matter of Life & Death,
How Long Oh Lord? Psalm 13:1-6,
Idolatry Precedes Immorality,
Ash Wednesday, Psalm 103:8-14,
Now Serving: Glory Soup,
World Missions Sunday,
Jesus Bet the Farm on Us,
From Now On, Luke 5:1-11,
Scripture Read, Fulfilled & Made New, Luke 4:1-20, Tom Duncan, 1-3-19Snuggle up to God and his Word.
I Wasn't Expecting That,
Get Ready for the Snow Storm,
Be With Me, Luke 3:15-22,
Close Encounters of the Heavenly Kind, Mt. 2:1-12, Elijah Lovejoy, 1-6-19Richard Dreyfuss encountered a UFO. The Magi encountered the glory of God.
Advent & Christmas
Jesus Became a Beggar, 2 Cor. 8:9,
A To Be Continued Story,
Righteousness & Peace Kiss,
The Long Walk, Psalm 126,
Only the Lover Sings,
Only God is Love Right Through, John 18:33-40, Elijah Lovejoy, 11-25-18Praise God for the hammer, the file and the furnace. -Samuel Rutherford
Gospel of John Sermon Series
A Table Before My Enemies,
High Quality H2O. John 7:1-15,37-39
Does that Banner Yet Wave?
Jesus is a Superfood, John 6:1-15,
Do You Want to be Healed?
Jesus Woos a Woman,
This is My House! John 2:13-22;
Old Dogs, Ancient Tricks;
Bring Good Wine to the Party,
Come & See, John 1:35-51;
I am Not the Christ, John 1:19-34;
Turn on Your Radio, John 1:1-18; Elijah Lovejoy, 8-19-18You are surrounded by radio waves. Are you living with your radio on?
2 Corinthians Sermon Series
Can You Handle The Truth?
Who Presents This Woman?
Sow Generously, 2 Cor. 8:1-15;
Why Holiness Matters,
Give Me Your Affections,
You Only Live Twice,
In the Storm, Head Home,
Are You Not Entertained?
Boldness Fuel Available, 2 Cor. 3:1-11; Elijah Lovejoy, 6-10-18Human glory fades. Jesus' glory increases daily. Which do you prefer?
Comforted, Not Comfortable,
On Fire But Not Consumed, Exodus
Pentecost Sunday, Acts 2:1-11;
Season of Easter
I'm Cheering for You, John 17:11-19; Elijah Lovejoy, 5-13-18The Christian life is a relay race. Jesus is the lead runner. He's given us the baton.
I Need a Friend, John 15:9-17;
Jesus is a Community Organizer, 1 John 3:11-24; Elijah Lovejoy, 4-29-18Jesus will build his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.
What's Your Battle Plan?, Ephesians 6:10-20; Jacob Sanchez, 4-22-18The Lord is our shield and our strong defense. Are you wearing his armor?
Cancel Your Rapture Tickets, Acts 3:11-26; Elijah Lovejoy, 4-15-18Jesus has been resurrected. You have joined him in baptism. What next?
Baptism, Confirmation & Reception, Bishop Steve Breedlove, 4-8-18Did you know God ordains us all for ministry? What's yours?
Season of Lent & Holy Week 2018
Easter Sunday, Awake Sleeper & Rise from the Dead; Elijah Lovejoy, 4-1-18Rejoice! Resurrection Church celebrated 6 funerals & 6 birth announcements today.
Palm Sunday, Mark 14:32-15:39
Virtue & Vice: Contentment vs. Envy
Virtue & Vice: Courage vs. Sloth
Virtue & Vice: Generosity vs. Greed
Virtue & Vice: Patience vs. Anger, John 2:13-22; Chris Walk, 2-25-18Grrrrrr...How's your anger doing?
Virtue & Vice: Purity vs. Lust,
Virtue & Vice: Humility vs. Pride, Matthew 6:1-6; Elijah Lovejoy, 2-14-18Pride replaces God with self. Humility reduces self to make room for God.
Created for Glory, Mark 9:2-9
Season of Epiphany
Broken Jars Shine More Light,
A New Teaching with Authority, Mark 1:21-28; Tom Duncan, 1-28-18Who is your ultimate authority? Have you discovered the authority of Christ?
When God Rings Your Doorbell, Mark 1:16-20; Elijah Lovejoy, 1-21-18How would you respond if God rang your doorbell?
If God Were a Super Hero..., 1 Cor.
A New Declaration of Independence, Mark 1:7-11; Elijah Lovejoy, Jan. 7, 2018What was the reason for Jesus' baptism? Hint: Jesus is the new Joshua.
God's Will in the New Year, Matthew 2:12-23; Tom Duncan, Dec. 31, 2017Was the Christmas story "expected?" Will you follow God in the unexpected?
Season of Advent 2017
If I Die Before..., Mark 13:1-37
Break Free, Mark 1:1-8
A Holy Disruption, Luke 1:26-38
Pentecost Icon, John 20:19-23
Easter Icon, Luke 24:36-53
Lent Icon, Matthew 26:30-35
Holy Land Epiphanies, Matt. 17:1-13
Christmas Icon, Luke 2:1-20
You are an Icon, Exodus 19:5-15
Invited to a New Mercy, Matt. 18:21-35
Little is Much with God, Mark 4:21-32
God is Starting a Farm, Mark 4:1-20
Learning to Pray Series
We're Still Hungry, Luke 5:33-39
Abba is Adopting, Romans 8:12-17, 26-28
The Trees Are Singing, Psalm 96
Am I My Brother's Keeper? Genesis 4:1-10
It Keeps Getting Better, Acts 10:9-23
Does God Change? James 1 & 4
We Are Pregnant, 1 Samuel 3:1-20
Daddy, Can I Have Ice Cream? Exod. 32:7-14
Wresting with God, Genesis 32:22-32
Easter & Pentecost 2017: Receiving Fullness Series
Are You Ready? Acts 2:1-13
The Lord is a Warrior, Ephesians 6:10-20
Daddy, Where You Goin'? John 14:1-14
You Are Not Alone, Luke 24:13-35
Man Up, John 20:19-23
Why Are You Crying? John 20:1-18
Lent 2017: Preparing for Fullness Series
Wash My Feet, John 13:1-15
Father Forgive Them, Luke 23:32-43
Surprised by Resurrection, John 11:17-44
Check Your Blind Spot, John 9:1-17
You Are Known & Loved, John 4:5-26
You Need New Pants, John 3:1-16