What is Anglicanism?
The Anglican Church is made up of 38 Provinces (or global regions) which include 77 million members in 164 countries. It is the third largest Christian church, after Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, and is the world’s largest Protestant denomination. Anglicanism is one of the most active, fruitful, growing fellowships of churches in the world. Resurrection Church is grateful to be part of this movement in North America, along with thousands of other brothers and sisters in Christ.
For Anglicans, genuine Christianity is apostolic Christianity. It is a faith which rests on the historic, eyewitness testimony of Jesus’ followers—the apostles. They witnessed and wrote about Jesus’ life and teaching, his death and resurrection, his ascension, present heavenly reign and promised future return.
Following the faith of the apostles, Anglicans affirm that the Bible, the Old and New Testament together, is “God’s Word written,” from which we learn God’s revealed truths. Based on the biblical witness, the Church developed rules of faith, known as creeds, which summarize God’s work and salvation in history and which we confess when we worship.
Anglican worship is rooted in liturgy which was not invented by us at Resurrection. Our liturgy comes from The Book of Common Prayer, a resource which has been acknowledged throughout the world as one of the finest expressions of Christian prayer and worship. It leads the Church to pray in one voice with order, beauty, dignity and devotion.
One of the great benefits of being Anglican is that we are not an independent, isolated church existing on our own. We are part of the Diocese of Christ our Hope, which is part of the Anglican Church in North America. Visit each of their websites to learn more: www.adhope.org and www.anglicanchurch.net . To learn more about Anglicanism, you can also visit www.anglicancompass.com/new-to-anglicanism/
What is Anglicanism?
The Anglican Church is made up of 38 Provinces (or global regions) which include 77 million members in 164 countries. It is the third largest Christian church, after Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, and is the world’s largest Protestant denomination. Anglicanism is one of the most active, fruitful, growing fellowships of churches in the world. Resurrection Church is grateful to be part of this movement in North America, along with thousands of other brothers and sisters in Christ.
For Anglicans, genuine Christianity is apostolic Christianity. It is a faith which rests on the historic, eyewitness testimony of Jesus’ followers—the apostles. They witnessed and wrote about Jesus’ life and teaching, his death and resurrection, his ascension, present heavenly reign and promised future return.
Following the faith of the apostles, Anglicans affirm that the Bible, the Old and New Testament together, is “God’s Word written,” from which we learn God’s revealed truths. Based on the biblical witness, the Church developed rules of faith, known as creeds, which summarize God’s work and salvation in history and which we confess when we worship.
Anglican worship is rooted in liturgy which was not invented by us at Resurrection. Our liturgy comes from The Book of Common Prayer, a resource which has been acknowledged throughout the world as one of the finest expressions of Christian prayer and worship. It leads the Church to pray in one voice with order, beauty, dignity and devotion.
One of the great benefits of being Anglican is that we are not an independent, isolated church existing on our own. We are part of the Diocese of Christ our Hope, which is part of the Anglican Church in North America. Visit each of their websites to learn more: www.adhope.org and www.anglicanchurch.net . To learn more about Anglicanism, you can also visit www.anglicancompass.com/new-to-anglicanism/